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Bringing Christ to Others by Building Relationships.    



 ~~ What's Happening at Reformation ~~


** Church Council will meet Monday, February 3 at 6:30pm.


** Pastor Patti Covington will be our supply pastor on February 2 as Pastor Christopher will be away at drill duty. 


​** RCW will meet Monday, February 10 at Heath Springs Pizzeria on Main Street at 12noon. After lunch, they will meet in the parish hall for the business meeting. All ladies are encouraged to attend. 


** The next gathering for Pour Out the Spirit will be Thursday, February 27 at LA Tap Room at 6:30pm. Bring a friend! Everyone is invited. 


** Chancel Choir & Handbells practice is held each Wednesday.  Choir, 7:00pm / Handbells, 7:45pm 


** Coffee & Conversation with Pastor Christopher at the Daily Grind Coffee Bar each Thursday, 9:00am-12noon


​** Prayer Shawl Ministry meets each Thursday at 10am in the parish hall.






​ ~~ Prayer Concerns of Our Family and Friends ~~ â€‹


​**  Reformation Family

Lisa Archer (sister of Pastor Patti) - Jimmy Lee Beckham and family - Mary Bernsdorff - Evalena Catoe - Eric & Freida Cauthen

Rick & Cathy Davis - Linda DeBruycker - Ken & Cheryl Duncan and family - Billy Jowers - Susan Lewis - Mary Livingston - Lynn McMurray 

Cody & Taylor Scholl - Linda & Ruddy Shipton - Sharon Warfield 


**  Reformation Friends

 Hope Anderson, Donna Willis Clanton - Matt Darr - Jim Fakeral - Karen Fronk - Helen Kershner - Tom Langston -

The Meadows Family- Scott, Amy, and Scottie - June Cauthen Rockholt - Robert Rockholt - Michelle Sanders - Rev. Bruce Sheeks - 

James M. "Mickey" Starnes - Angela Dubose Suggs - Diane Trost - Glenn Warfield - William "Fuzzy" Whitaker 



Please continue to extend your prayers for our ministries, staff, church leaders, the congregation and their families, students, school personnel, emergency responders, government representatives, healthcare professionals, and military members.


Bringing Christ to others by building relationships.

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