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The Outreach Missions was conceived in January 2010 during a council retreat at Camp Kinard. Basically, it is an outgrowth of our Evangelism and Social ministries committees as well as Stephen's Ministries.

The present membership consists of Linda and Dave DeBruycker, Conrad and Sharon Collins, Julia Edwards, Ed Heins, Billy Jowers, and Fred Littenberg.

Outreach's intent is to spread the message of the Gospel and the love of Jesus Christ in our community as well as providing opportunities for the members of Reformation.

We have been instrumental in obtaining a van to provide transportation for the members of our congregation who need it. We also started a game/ movie night which takes place monthly on a Friday night. Bowling has now started on Thursday nights at Lancaster Bowling Alley at 6pm. This is NOT a league. So come just have fun. Also, you may have seen one of the many signs along the highways and byways of our whereabouts. You may have also seen our tri-fold brochure, telling of our church, placed in one of the many locations throughout Lancaster.

Upcoming Events

Sr. Choir, 7pm

Wednesday, Jun 30 at 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Prayer Shawl Ministry 10am

Thursday, Jul 1 at 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Sunday School 9:30am

Sunday, Jul 4 at 9:30 AM - 10:15 AM

Church Service w/ communion 10:30am

Sunday, Jul 4 at 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Recent Photos

Newest Members

Bringing Christ to others by building relationships.

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